November 11, 2017 @ 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
County Offices
80 Highland Ave
San Martin, CA 95046

In addition to your other commitments, it is the perfect day to mark your calendar for Saturday, Nov 11th, to volunteer for the Trash Bash!  Yes, that is Veterans Day, and, therefore, we are planning a Flag Raising Ceremony at 8:30am!  


San Martin Chamber of Commerce has partnered with San Martin Neighborhood Alliance, Supervisor Mike Wasserman, and Greenwaste, to host the First Annual Trash Bash!  


We would appreciate your participation and business sponsorship as we plan this Community event To Clean Up San Martin.  


This is an opportunity for you, who are participating, to post your business banners at registration booths, and provide promotional info.  There will be local press coverage, and we will provide names of all RSVP businesses who are volunteering.  


“Clean and Green is Our Dream for San Martin”, and we’re sure you would like to be a part of this event as a volunteer and sponsor!  Some needed items are: Red, White, & Blue helium balloons, Cases of water, Coffee/pastries (paper products) for am, Registration wrist bands, Canopies & folding tables/chairs to borrow, etc.  

Attached is the flyer for you to share with employees and local friends.  We are confident that you wish to be part of this effort to enhance our Community, and that you would really like San Martin (“The Jewel of South County”), to shine!  To RSVP and inquire about how you and friends can help, contact: events@sanmartinchamber.org.


For the attachment click HERE