December 20, 2017 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
County Building
80 Highland Ave
San Martin, CA 95046
Agenda at http://sccgov.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=9305
Consider amendments to County of Santa Clara Zoning Ordinance Section Code to modify definitions, use classifications, and permitting requirements for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities to conform to applicable federal and state laws; Location: Countywide; File: 10973-17Z
Continued public hearing from the November 16, 2017 Planning Commission meeting to consider amendments to County of Santa Clara Ordinance Code Division C16 – Tree Preservation and Removal, relating to addition of certain Urban Residential Base Districts (R1, R1E, R2, R3 and RHS) to Section C16.3, and requirement of a Woodland Clearance Permit for removal of more than 10% or 1/2 acre of tree canopy in the Agricultural Ranchlands (AR) and Hillside (HS) Rural Base Zoning Districts. Location: Countywide – Urban Residential Base Districts (R1, R1E, R2, R3 and RHS), and Rural Base Districts (AR and HS); File: 11136-17CP.