12415 Murphy Ave
San Martin CA 95046
The SMNA Board would like to bring to your attention once again the concerns of the residents of east San Martin regarding the close proximity of five mental health residential facilities. The residents contacted the SMNA Board seeking assistance as their once peaceful neighborhoods have become a safety concern for their families and homes. Of particular concern is that one of these facilities is located on a cul-de-sac with only one entrance and exit point. We also understand that more facilities could be established in the San Martin area, especially with dollars allocated with approval of Proposition 1.It is also important to encourage a “good neighbor” policy between the facilities and their neighbors.
Empowered by a series of incidents at these facilities, residents are taking the lead, with Supervisor Arenas’ suggestion to organize a training session with the Sheriff’s Community Engagement Officer and Santa Clara County Community Liaison Officer Deputy Bunal to present the Neighborhood Watch program and statistics on activities such as crime and calls for assistance in San Martin.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the neighborhood leaders for their proactive steps in collaborating with law enforcement. We are working closely with these leaders and would like to invite the wider San Martin community to this meeting. Your involvement is essential in making this event a success. We look forward to seeing you there.