March 24, 2017 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Lions Club
12416 Murphy Ave
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

Please save the date: March 24th for an event to learn about our town, and meet and greet our fellow neighbors!

San Martin Neighborhood Alliance

     The History of San Martin 

Presenters: Donna Brodsky; Author of San Martin: Then and Now

                      Connie and Steve Ludewig, longtime residents of

                                               San Martin

                    Videos loaned from the Morgan Hill Historical


Where:     Lions Club

              12415 Murphy Avenue,

              San Martin

When:      March 24th, 2017


Time:       Doors open at 6:30 pm

          Presentation starts @7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

          Refreshments to be provided

         Also Introducing the New

San Martin Chamber of Commerce


Please mark your calendars for this wonderful event.  Learn and be a part of your town!

                     We will be sending follow up reminders as the event gets closer!


ENTRANCE FREE            Print and pass around color poster at 
